What's shaking, kids? I figured another update was long overdue, so here I am with my usual flurry of announcements! First, y'all feeling the new look?? My main man, Larry of Minutia Studios helped a brotha out with the new logo design and overall visual philosophy. For a while now, I've been wanting to "downsize" the look of Brownnoize. And I think we pulled it off!
Anyway, let's get down to business! Local events seem to be a running theme around here, so let's kick things off with that. First up, a quick report-back from Super Robots Giant Monsters. We blew the doors off the hinges! For real, I forget the exact tally, but we had some 700 visitors for the event...and that apparently shattered records for the venue! I keep telling heads: us Massholes know how to throw down. ;) Not surprisingly, I didn't eat a crumb throughout the day--I was constantly bouncing back and forth between the vintage toy gallery I curated and the vendor table I was sharing with Prometheum5 and his Mini-Me, Mark. I barely even got to see the rest of the vendors' wares or the (2D) art gallery! Other highlights included seeing old buddies like Frankie B. Washington and Matt Doughty. All in all, it was a great time...and given the event's enormous popularity, I can't imagine there not being a sequel in the works! ;)
Naturally, as more of a social butterfly than a hard-hitting journalist, I leave event coverage to the pros! Check out DoomKick's round-up of the vendor tables here and his coverage of the vintage toy gallery here.

Okay, now for some upcoming event news! This Friday night, July 11th, you can catch me at FOE in Northampton, MA for the opening reception of the "LOOK 4" show. It should be pretty live...lots of locals will be coming through to show support and just to hang out. Many of us haven't connected since SRGM(!), so it'll be good to chill.

LOOK 4 isn't meant to be a dedicated toy show--more of a general showcase of several local artists--so it was a bit daunting to me at first to have been invited. To have my toys on display among all these talented artists' work is no joke! But Jim and Nicole at FOE have been great and are experts at encouraging artists and fostering the creative community. How could I refuse??
So what goodies am I bringing?
Well, first up, I'm gonna have over a dozen Shogun Voyager minis of the characters, "Scorpia" and "Gorgen". Ah, but these are NOT the same as the prototype figures I had at SRGM! These "2.0" versions feature two-color construction and much more stylized designs. These are NOT to be missed, as the format of this toy line is going to be radically changed later this summer. This may actually be folks' very last chance to grab Shogun Voyager minis with this articulation format...

Next, for the first time ever, I'm going to have the prototype versions of my Shogun Voyager ST "Gorgen" figures available! Yup, these are slightly tweaked versions of the test shot I had on hand at SRGM. Each of these "standard" sized (5-1/4") figures features durable ABS plastic construction, spinning shield blades, and of course, firing fists! In my opinion, among all my offerings at LOOK 4, these will be the stars of the show!

And lastly, I can't forget to mention the big boy, a Type B Powered Bio Suit, complete with a Microman pilot figure!

Before I hop on outta here, I gotta send a shout-out to Jesse of DoomKick.com. Stay tuned to his site for #RampagingRobots, a sick collab between me, Prometheum5, Mechazone, and Jesse himself! I know that barely qualifies as a teaser, but don't sweat it--when the time comes, there'll be plenty of info!
Oh, and lastly, this year's East Coast Chogokin Summit is August 9th. Look for it on facebook. And be there! ;)
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